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brick_lane_batty_boy 10:57 Mon Feb 12
Kurt Zouma
I mean I've always thought it - but I think he was injured when we bought him. His knees just look shot to bits. He can't turn or run - and even more recently seems incapable of kicking the ball with any power. Which when your managers sole game plan is to lump it long from the back causes quite a few problems.

I actually like him - and think he would be good if his body worked. Put he looks like he needs to be put down. Really reminds me of how Carlton Cole used to amble around at the end of his career

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Eerie Descent 8:22 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Exactly Trunds.

Using a one off cup game from a bygone era as an excuse to stink the place out against Bournemouth at home in the league.

I think he's on the wind up, though. He must be.

Eerie Descent 8:20 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Son, I'm only saying this because I love ya, but stop fucking embarrassing yourself.

You know you've had an absolute fucking mare here, just hold your hands up, take it on the chin, and cunt the cunt off with the rest of us.

We'll forgive you in the end.

Lee Trundle 8:17 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
You've listed 3 FA Cup games. One off games, where the team defeated is knocked out of the competition, so of course there's added enjoyment, even if it's back to the walls etc.

It's hardly a comparison with having to endure a 38 game league season where you play the worse football in the league, IMO.

Northern Sold 8:05 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Oooh like those Dangerous Attack Stats.... do they do one with most flobs in a centre circle??

Trunds... same with a lot of our famous victories in the past... di Canio 1-0 Man U.... Leroy 1-0 Arsenal... even our cup victory over Arsenal in 80... nothing enjoyable during the game... hard fought and great tactics... back against the walls etc etc.... but they still are etched in the memory banks... not sure of possession stats as they obviously was not around then but I bet they were not far off Moyseball stats

stewie griffin 7:28 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Generally speaking I'm not a STATS man, but figured I'd take a look after yesterday to compare the two. Not much difference in our performances, if anything they were even more dominant at their place, they just took their chances yesterday.

This is how we play. Worse than Allardyce.

Arsenal 0-2 West Ham
Shots 30-6
Possession 74% - 26%
Corners 10-3
Total passes 749-265
Dangerous attacks 140-21

West Ham 0-6 Arsenal
Shots 5-25
Possession 29% - 71%
Corners 2-6
Dangerous attacks 27-70

Lee Trundle 7:21 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Those results were enjoyable.

I didn't find the majority of those games enjoyable to watch. You must be some kind of CUCK to find watching us enjoyable. We end up getting played off the park in most games.

Northern Sold 7:15 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Eerie Descent 1:19 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Northern Sold 12:51 Mon Feb 12

Still enjoying Moyesball, son?

Enjoyed Moyesball v Chelsea, Spurs, Arsenal (twice) and Man United...

Yesterday?? Don't be a cunt... it was fucking shit...

Lets hope that some cunt... whether it Moyes or that useless yes man Nolan gets right in their fucking grills and ensures they don't put a shit cunt performance like that again this season...

Russ of the BML 7:05 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Another player that was brought in as a 'big name' but there were clearly physical issues and a reason Chelsea let him go. I do think he's been decent for us but it was clear last season he was done at this level and should've been moved on. Just ANOTHER example of Moyes and Sullivan's personnel and recruitment incompetency.

northbankboy68 4:42 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Moyes' decision to play him smacks of sheer fucking incompetence. Zouma is finished at this level. The impact on team morale of Zouma's countless mistakes was obvious for all to see. You cannot blame Zouma. This was all down to Moyes. If that is the calibre of Moyes' judgement he should be sacked immediately even if we haven't got anyone lined up. I trust Nolan and the other assistant coaches to sort this mess out.

violator 2:56 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Watching Zouma attempt a pass reminds me of Father Ted, and the over-75s 5-a-side episode

Nick QQQ 2:52 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
We got done so many times over the top or in the channels.
Zouma just cant turn or run so get's done, Aguerd's general positioning is terrible, the full backs struggle and Soucek, well i'm not sure what he does going forwards or at the back.

twoleftfeet 1:52 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
You still hear ED?

I need to pray harder.

southbankbornnbred 1:43 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Aguerd needs to toughen up, physically.

There's a good player in there somewhere. But he visibly shirks the physical stuff.

You can get away with that in Ligue 1 in France, if you read the game well. But despite the technical improvements here, the Premier League is still more physical, and relentless, and if you want to play centre half then you have to be prepared to suffer some pain throughout games. Especially with the way Moyes sets up - with our low block requiring "bodies on the line" in the way Dawson etc got it (and Zouma when he first arrived, in all fairness to him).

Aguerd looks hesitant and reluctant too often. Reads the game well and is quick. But he needs more physicality if we're going to play Moyesball.

Gary Strodders shank 1:37 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Dawson was probably Moyes best defensive signing and cost next to nothing which pretty much sums things up.

As for the other central defenders they are either to old, injury prone and immobile or in the case of Aguard and the Greek lad very error prone.

Any young defender coming through the ranks isn't given a chance and sold on or farmed out on loan before being sold.

Moyes has done nothing to promote young players which must be soul destroying to those involved.

zico 1:34 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Part of the problem is like everywhere else on the pitch there are no partnerships. Back in the day you had Martin and Gale and Alvin took on all the physical stuff and Gale was the ball player, although Alvin could play a bit himself. So in theory a fit Zouma or Mav alongside Aguerd should work, but like many others Aguerd's confidence looks shot and if you are usually a calm, assured player confidence is something you need. Maybe stick Alvarez at centre back and play Phillips in his natural position. Alvarez cards are because we don't have the ball. You get less cards if you actually have possession!

southbankbornnbred 1:27 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Mav is half-decent, and has the biggest room for improvement of the CB group. But right now he also looks like a mistake waiting to happen. Even on his good days, he'll play well for 89 minutes - but have a lapse in concentration and it'll be a howler that costs us dearly (like his backpass against Bristol City).

Needs to work on his concentration across 90 minutes. But he does look a decent defender physically etc.

Zouma currently looks shot, Aguerd has gone backwards since joining and looks like he doesn't enjoy the physicality of defending, and Oggy is getting on.

Apart from that, we're in rude health when it comes to CBs!

Eerie Descent 1:19 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Northern Sold 12:51 Mon Feb 12

Still enjoying Moyesball, son?

Pav BML 1:13 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Big part of yesterday for me was not one player out there shouting at each other trying to lead the team. All of them looking at the ground but most of all him. The fact he's a captain is ridiculous but there aren't any other leaders out there unfortunately. Was briefly an upgrade on what we had but clearly his knees are shot. I still think Aguerd is worse, Mavropounos is first name CB for me atm and that is worrying

Northern Sold 12:51 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
He reminded me yesterday of my 14 year old Black Lab the day we had him put down...

Eerie Descent 12:42 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Feet, seriously, give it up you thick fucking cunt.

Concentrate more on why the charlatan spent 2 years chasing the hapless £35mil Aguerd.

daveyg 12:38 Mon Feb 12
Re: Kurt Zouma
Who's going to play against Forest.
Surely not Zouma.
From his substitution he's one to blame.
Both the remaining cb looked just as bad.
That leaves Ogbonna, God help us.

The same applies to Alvarez,Moyes says he become a liability.
So we'll have Ogbonna and Phillips not far off each.

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